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Threatened Species Decision Tool – feedback form


Which of the following best describes your use of the Threatened Species Decision Tool?

* required

Which resources have you accessed to help you understand and use the Threatened Species Decision Tool?

please choose:

Which reports (tabs to visualise and explore data) in Threatened Species Decision Tool gave you the most helpful information for your query?


Which visualizations (charts, graphs, and maps) in the Threatened Species Decision Tool were the most helpful for your decision context?

please choose
please choose
The tool and information it provides were useful for answering my questions
The tool design made it easy to explore and answer my query
The process for developing of the tool was well communicated
I had technical issues while using the tool
I was provided with sufficient information and resources to guide me through using the tool
The information used in the tool is from credible sources
I have confidence that the ‘species shortlists’ provided by the tool could help answer my questions

Would you like to volunteer as a species expert? This would involve completing an online species survey that takes approximately 45mins.