Privacy policy

The Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (DESI) is seeking your feedback and input to inform the services we deliver. We have established an online Engagement Platform to enable you to participate in online surveys and to provide your say on various issues and initiatives. DESI is committed to protecting user privacy and to the fair collection and handling of your personal information. We endeavour to minimise the personal information collected but need your name and contact details to register you as a user on Engagement Platform so you can participate in these online surveys and activities and so that we can provide you with updates and notify you of future Engagement Platform activities.

We also collect some demographic information for audience analytics to better understand trends and issues affecting our stakeholders. The types of information we collect are listed below.

The Engagement Platform is hosted by EngagementHQ, a third party cloud based service platform owned and operated by Granicus. Please read the EngagementHQ privacy policy before subscribing.

At the completion of a particular engagement activity your personal information will be transferred from Engagement Platform to the relevant department posting the survey. DESI may engage service providers to analyse responses and provide a report. All service providers will be contracted to comply with the Information Privacy principles.

If you have agreed to be contacted for future engagement activities (by ticking the further contact box on the registration page) we may, from time to time, contact you directly to participate in engagement activities. You can choose to participate or to opt out of further communication or engagement at any time by emailing

Other Queensland Government agencies and statutory authorities may also use Engagement Platform to post surveys, polls or otherwise engage with you if you choose to do so. Your subscription information will not be shared with any other agency or third party, except in aggregated and de-identified form for the purpose of audience analytics.

We need to collect your personal information to register you as a user on the Engagement Platform so you can participate in online surveys and activities. Your personal information will be registered and maintained on DESI’s Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system hosted on the Engagement Platform site. During the subscription process you will be asked to nominate a screen name, which does not need to identify you (e.g. you can provide a pseudonym), and you can also elect for your screen name not to be shown publicly.

Your contribution to the engagement activity (such as your responses to surveys and polls) will be publicly available (unless a consultation is listed as ‘private’) and will only be used by DESI in relation to the specific engagement project you are participating in.

We will manage your personal information in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009. Our detailed privacy information is available online at our website. For more information about how your personal information may be used and disclosed by Granicus, please see the EngagementHQ privacy policy.

In some cases, you may be redirected from EngagementHQ to complete a consultation activity on an external platform (such as SurveyMonkey). In this case, the collection, storage and usage of your personal information and responses will be subject to the terms of that service provider and you are advised to read the privacy policies of such third parties prior to participation.

What personal information we collect

Profile information

We collect information from you when you register to use this site. This includes your email address, current region in Queensland and your age of consent being under or over 18.

Please note that you are able to browse any publicly accessible sections of this website completely anonymously without signing up.

Engagement information

The content you create as part of your interactions within the Engagement Platform will be used by DESI in consultation reports and to inform service delivery. This content can include responses to surveys, submissions, or any of the other engagement opportunities. We will not identify you when we publish content, unless we have your consent. We ask that you do not create content which includes other people’s personal information.

Usage information

We collect information about your use of the site, such as pages visited, documents downloaded, etc.

How we use the information we collect

We collect this information in order to:

  • analyse and interpret it to help meet our objectives;
  • communicate information to you about engagement opportunities, events and other initiatives; and
  • respond to enquiries and otherwise engage with stakeholders.

Access and amendment of personal information

You are entitled to seek access to your personal information and to amend records if they are inaccurate, misleading or out of date. You may apply online to access or amend your personal information at or email

Contact us

For further privacy information please go to:

To opt out of further communication, to make a complaint or to contact us about any matter related to Engagement Platform please email