Great Sandy Marine Park Zoning Plan Review consultation

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Consultation has concluded

Great Sandy Marine Park Zoning Plan Review consultation

Consultation has concluded.

The draft Great Sandy Marine Park Zoning Plan was available for consultation between 23 September and 23 October 2022.

Following consultation, the Queensland Government completed the zoning plan review in 2023. A new zoning plan came into effect 21 May 2024.

For more information:

Consultation has concluded.

The draft Great Sandy Marine Park Zoning Plan was available for consultation between 23 September and 23 October 2022.

Following consultation, the Queensland Government completed the zoning plan review in 2023. A new zoning plan came into effect 21 May 2024.

For more information:

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The survey is now closed.

    Consultation has concluded
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